Family Owned

The elevator will be open on Saturday 8a to 5p unless it rains

Please call with an questions.

Happy Harvest!


Thank you,

Herb and Staff


Any requests outside of these hours please contact the hours PRIOR to arriving.

Thank you,

Herb Hart 





Please call Herb for holiday or after hours unload


@C - CORN - CBOT Last Chg
Dec 24 408'6 -0'6
Mar 25 422'2 -1'0
May 25 429'4 -1'0
Jul 25 433'4 -1'2
Sep 25 429'6 -0'6
Dec 25 436'4 -0'6
Nov 24 977'6 -3'2
Jan 25 987'6 -2'0
Mar 25 999'6 -2'2
May 25 1013'4 -2'4
Jul 25 1025'6 -2'4
Aug 25 1027'0 -2'4
@W - WHEAT - CBOT Last Chg
Dec 24 567'0 -5'2
Mar 25 587'2 -5'0
May 25 598'2 -4'6
Jul 25 605'0 -4'4
Sep 25 615'0 -4'0
Dec 25 629'0 -3'4
Nov 24 0.723400
Dec 24 0.724400 0.000700
Jan 25 0.724800

Upcoming Events

About Us
Hart Acres Farms originated as a dairy farm owned and operated by Herb's Grandparents Manley and Myrtle who in turn were succeeded by Vern and Barbara and today is run by Herb and Lisa Hart and Family as cash crop- grain market farm "Hart Acre Grains" and remains a Family owned Operation. Hart Acres farms is committed to a marketing strategy that ensures profitability, and discipline while maintaining a degree of flexibility in response to market conditions and selling opportunities. The principles guiding this strategy are driven by the need to understand current market conditions both domestic and worldwide; the factors impacting demand; the factors impacting price; price histories; crop disappearance; and perhaps most importantly, detailed cost of production. Our Vision - Hart Acre Grains has a great working relationship with Greenfield Ethanol, Grain Farmers of Ontario and many more. We Pride Ourselves in providing Quality Product and Service and align Ourselves with clients and partners with equal Values.“ You’ll never go broke, if you lock in a profit.” This of course means that you will not always get the top price for your crops. However, it does mean that you have a foundation from which you can plan with a higher degree of certainty. Give Hart Acre Grains a call today to get started with your personalized business plan. 1-613-354-8009 or 1-613-561-4220

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Quote of the Day

"He has not learned the lesson of life who does not every day surmount a fear."

~ Julius Caesar,  (100 - 44 BC), first emperor of Rome

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6 Photos

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Local Cash Bids
Napanee Delivery Cash   Basis    
 Corn Harvest 2024    
  Harvest 2025    
 Soybeans Harvest 2024    
  Harvest 2025    
  Harvest 2026    
 Wheat Harvest 2024    
  Harvest 2025    
  Harvest 2026    
Price as of 10/21/24 11:32PM CDT.
Click to view more Cash Bids

Local Conditions
Napanee, ON
Chg Zip Code: 
Temp: 12oC Feels Like: 12oC
Humid: 91% Dew Pt: 11oC
Barom: 30.15 Wind Dir: SSW
Cond: N/A Wind Spd: 4 km/h
Sunrise: 7:34 Sunset: 6:14
As reported at TRENTON, ON at 12:00 AM
Local Radar
Napanee, ON
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Local Forecast
Napanee, ON





High: 21°C
Low: 9°C
Precip: 0%
High: 20°C
Low: 9°C
Precip: 70%
High: 11°C
Low: 3°C
Precip: 0%
High: 13°C
Low: 1°C
Precip: 51%
High: 13°C
Low: 4°C
Precip: 35%
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DTN Weather Summary
Upper Low, Front Moving Through Upper Midwest Tuesday
Bryce Anderson (Bio) – DTN Meteorologist

Thunderstorms in the Central Plains, moving into the Midwest. Temperatures will drop behind the front. » More DTN Weather Commentary

Posted at 12:01PM Mon Oct 21, 2024 CDT

Farm Services
Hart Acre Grains offers a wide selection of services. Our knowledgeable Farm Services staff help you through careful crop planning from start to finish, all year long. We offer everything from planning & harvesting to all your trucking needs including pick up and delivery. Contact Hart Acre Grains today to get started on your customized farming plan. Call 1-613-354-8009 or 1-613-561-4220

DTN Farm Life
Farm Life

See what other farmers are thinking about on everything related to farm life.

DTN Ag Headline News
USDA Weekly Crop Progress Report
Breaking Down CRP Acreage, Rental Rates
Savvy Seed Decisions - 4
Top 5 Things to Watch
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What Farms Need to Know About BOI
Savvy Seed Decisions - 3
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Rural Vote Becomes Key Demographic

DTN Market News
2024 Hard Red and Soft Red Winter Wheat Crop Quality Good Overall
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DTN Crops News
Monday, October 21, 2024 2:04PM CDT
Farmers have myriad choices when it comes to seed treatments. DTN/Progressive Farmer sits down with Seed Life Brand Manager Katie Dowson to discuss these crop protection products.

Friday, October 18, 2024 1:15PM CDT
There is more to cover crops than just cereal rye. Farmers are exploring a variety of options to increase diversity and benefits.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024 12:31PM CDT
The seed industry continues to see consolidation and company reorganizations, reflecting a challenging environment to increase market share and to better serve farmers.

DTN Farm Business
Friday, October 18, 2024 6:06AM CDT
A Wisconsin senator is urging USDA to assist poultry farmers affected by the abrupt closure of Pure Prairie Poultry, a Minnesota-based company that collapsed financially in late September after its bankruptcy case was dismissed.

Sunday, October 20, 2024 4:51AM CDT
Concerns shift from hurricane recovery to the current onslaught of wildfires literally sparked by harvest equipment. We'll also continue our ongoing Savvy Seed Decisions series.

Name Exchg Last Chg Time
CORN (@C4Z) CBOT 408'6 -0'6 11:21P
CORN (@C5H) CBOT 422'2 -1'0 10:49P
CORN (@C5K) CBOT 429'4 -1'0 10:58P
CORN (@C5N) CBOT 433'4 -1'2 10:45P
CORN (@C5U) CBOT 429'6 -0'6 10:38P
CORN (@C5Z) CBOT 436'4 -0'6 10:38P
SOYBEANS (@S4X) CBOT 977'6 -3'2 11:19P
SOYBEANS (@S5F) CBOT 987'6 -2'0 11:14P
SOYBEANS (@S5H) CBOT 999'6 -2'2 11:13P
SOYBEANS (@S5K) CBOT 1013'4 -2'4 11:05P
SOYBEANS (@S5N) CBOT 1025'6 -2'4 11:06P
SOYBEANS (@S5Q) CBOT 1027'0 -2'4 11:03P
WHEAT (@W4Z) CBOT 567'0 -5'2 11:20P
WHEAT (@W5H) CBOT 587'2 -5'0 11:09P
WHEAT (@W5K) CBOT 598'2 -4'6 11:09P
WHEAT (@W5N) CBOT 605'0 -4'4 11:09P
WHEAT (@W5U) CBOT 615'0 -4'0 11:10P
WHEAT (@W5Z) CBOT 629'0 -3'4 8:01P
CANADIAN DOLLAR (@CD4Z) CME 0.724400 0.000700 11:21P

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